Ending The Trauma of forced under-aged Marriage & Kidnapping

Yaha, born into a Muslim family, was drawn to the Christian faith by her profound love for congregational hymns and worship songs. However, her conversion came at a great cost, as she faced severe persecution and threats of a forced marriage. Despite these challenges, she managed to escape.
Her story, along with those of many other underaged girls regularly kidnapped and forced into early marriage, has captured our attention at SGAF. Our advocacy group is committed to championing justice for these young girls, advocating for their release, and defending their fundamental rights to liberty and freedom of choice. We will also push for adequate compensation from the government for its negligence in protecting these girls' rights and addressing their plight.
In collaboration with human rights organisations and relevant authorities, we aim to end the suffering of these underaged girls, ensuring that they are no longer subjected to forced marriages or kidnappings. Additionally, we seek to acquire land in Abuja, Nigeria's capital city, to establish a safe haven—a boarding school and orphanage. This facility will provide a secure environment where these girls can be housed, educated, mentored, and supported. Through an extensive farming and ranching program, we anticipate that the school will become self-sustaining within 3 to 5 years.
Your support is essential to the success of this initiative. If you are interested in contributing to this life-changing program, please contact us
Get in touch if you are a lawyer and will like to volunteer.
Sovereign Grace African Foundation
Registered Charity:
File No:4852691, Reg. date - 02/21/2022
Reg No. CAC/IT/NO 149091
Date : 7/29/2020
+234 91 200 6071