School of Excellence and Orphan House
The School of Excellence & Orphan house.
“….whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31
Having travelled extensively and witnessed first hand the pain and trauma of forced child marriage, child labor and incessant kidnapping of under-aged girls for the same purpose, we plan to build an elite boarding school and an orphanage were these vulnerable children can call home and feel safe.
We seek to acquire a sizable piece of land in Nigerian Capital city - Abuja (a safe place).
From pre-school age to university level, we will house, educate and disciple vulnerable children and become a resource for the future leaders of Nigeria, providing a Christ centered education that excels in Science, Technology, the Arts and Sports. Our school is for destitute and for parents who desire excellence for their children.
Your support will help us build a good school and a good future for these children.
Through extensive farming and ranching program, the school will be self sufficient over a short period of time; Providing the much needed resources for the purchase of educational material and long term support for professionals (teachers, care givers etc).
We will maximize land to farm, work at trade and provide training, management opportunities with subsequent partnership and ownership prospects for our students.
Poverty has compounded the misery of vulnerable families in rural communities. While women and children bear the brunt, the adverse effect is seen mostly in the educational prospect of the child; with disproportional increase in child labour and child marriage, a situation prevalent in Northern Nigeria.
Your support will help provide refuge for these children that are continually cut off from the basic necessities of life and many others whose lives are continually on the edge.
We have many children in desperate need for help, some are traumatized by repeated assault like hunger, and homelessness; having escaped the anguish of child marriage(from age 11). Your support will help a child navigate the tide of hopelessness as they see the opportunity to return to school in pursuit of a dream. It will help revive the hope of many vulnerable people, especially widows burdened with the plight of poverty and the misery associated with it as we help them to help themselves.
We commit to being accountable to the resources you send through us, 85% of which is earmarked for direct intervention; WITHOUT exceeding 15% in administrative cost. You can help restore hope to the educational and spiritual life of these vulnerable ones and provide support to those whose lives are on the brink.
Contact us to speak directly; to make a donation or to send a monthly gift, and sign up to receive Monthly Donor Report

Sovereign Grace African Foundation
Registered Charity:
File No:4852691, Reg. date - 02/21/2022
Reg No. CAC/IT/NO 149091
Date : 7/29/2020
+234 91 200 6071