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Our compassion is expressed through good work, though we are not saved by them and never will , but we seek to bear fruit that accompanies salvation for the glory of God. We strive to reflect God's glory through these acts of kindness, sharing the gospel while addressing the needs of communities in Nigeria, especially in the northern regions.

Sovereign Grace African Foundation is dedicated to spreading the love of Christ through acts of kindness and support. Our goal is to empower underprivileged children in Nigeria by providing them with education, scholarships, and comprehensive care that addresses their physical and spiritual needs.

We invite you to be a part of this life-changing mission. Whether you choose to volunteer, partner with us, or make a financial contribution, your support can help us bring hope, dignity, and the message of God’s love to those in need. Together, we can be the hands and feet of Christ, transforming lives and communities through education, mentorship, and the power of the gospel. Join us in this important work to create a brighter future for those who need it most.

Let’s come together to make a positive impact and bring about lasting change.


Hope Delivered


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