Free Leader's Seminar


Preaching And Teaching Christ in the Holy Spirit’s power . For Pastors, Church Leaders and Everyone Interested in Learning Christ and Communicating Him Effectively. "These things have now been announced to you through those who preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven.” - 1 Pet 1:22

The Free Seminar, spanned through 13 States of the federation, namely:

  • Kano

  • Jos -Plateau State

  • Bauchi

  • Lagos

  • Sokoto

  • Kashina

  • Zamfara

  • Owerri-Imo State

  • Nasarawa

  • Benue

  • kaduna

  • Abejukolo- Kogi State

  • Minna-Niger State.

Participants were equipped with the necessary tools, knowledge and spiritual guidance by scripture alone to effectively preach Christ in the Holy Spirit power.

The event attracted a diverse crowd of over 1,000 attendees accross the States, fostering an environment of learning, collaboration, and spiritual growth.

Seminar Highlights

Empowering Preachers: The seminar emphasised the importance of being guided by scripture alone and for the Glory of God Alone. Allowing participants to tap into divine wisdom and inspiration as they hear the message of Christ.

Interactive Workshops: Various interactive sessions were conducted, focusing on topics such as persecution, denominational doctrine, leadership dominance , authority and more; connecting with diverse audiences, and addressing these challenges through biblical teachings.

Spiritual Discernment : Every word, vision, revelation or dream not seen written in scripture- chapter & verse must be discarded.

Practical Guidance: Evangelist Heshimu shared practical insights on communication techniques, engaging storytelling, and fostering an inclusive and welcoming atmosphere.

Distribution of Free Books: As a way of furthering participants' knowledge, free books were distributed to all attendees.

Networking Opportunities: The seminar provided a platform for participants to connect with fellow preachers and leaders from different regions. This facilitated the exchange of ideas and experiences, contributing to personal growth and enrichment.

Testimonials and Success Stories: Throughout the seminar, participants shared their experiences of how hearing the true gospel have positively impacted their lives and will be helpful to those they teach.

Repentance: The event offered moments of worship, prayer, and spiritual reflection, creating an environment conducive for repentance from false teaching, and strengthening participants' faith.


The Free Seminar was held in 13 different states, attracting over 1,000 participants, it was highly successful in equipping preachers and leaders with the necessary tools and spiritual guidance to effectively preach Christ - the true gospel. .

The interactive workshops, distribution of free books, networking opportunities, and emphasis on spiritual discernment collectively contributed to the participants' growth as effective communicators and leaders within their communities..

“The gospel must be preached in the power of the Spirit to glorify God, who works through the text to build His church.” — Heshimu Colar. Chairman, SGAF.

Click here for audio messages on the free Seminar