The Sovereign Grace African Foundation is a missionary organisation. Our whole purpose is to spread the gospel. Caring for physical needs is a tool and a burden of compassion. Helping churches, training pastors, and establishing fellowship among believers is our ultimate goal.
The Sovereign Grace African Fellowship promotes this unity among the saints. Our sermon audio page and Facebook page are places for various believers to post, come together, and spread the gospel, principally throughout Africa. You are welcome.
Our essentials are:
Sovereign Grace
Preeminence of Christ
Scripture Alone
Working Together
Building the Church
We are unwilling to compromise. We hold to the historic truth expressed in the Five Solas - Scripture Alone, Grace Alone, Faith Alone, Christ Alone, God’s Glory Alone. We also affirm what men call Calvinism, which is the biblical doctrine of election and predestination. We believe the whole counsel of God - the warnings, the commands, and call upon all to repent and believe the gospel. We are thoroughly evangelistic.
If you would like more information, please contact us. We help believers find saints in their area, churches, and we travel to train pastors and churches.
Find below a list of key activities our ministry is engaged in to spread the gospel; each endeavour is designed to fulfil our mission to make Christ known and to encourage spiritual growth.

Sovereign Grace African Fellowship
Sovereign Grace African Foundation
Registered Charity:
File No:4852691, Reg. date - 02/21/2022
Reg No. CAC/IT/NO 149091
Date : 7/29/2020
+234 91 200 6071