Send a Gift

“God does not need your good works, your neighbour does” Martin Luther.

Ways to Send :

1. Local (Nigeria Bank Transfer}

Bank Name: Firstbank Nig. Plc
Account Name: Sovereign Grace African Foundation.
Account No : 2035801496 (Current)

2. International Donation :

There are few simple steps, all information is right here.

Download and use WorldRemit App or Remitly App

Fill in details as follows :

Country : Nigeria

Delivery method : Bank transfer

Bank transfer partner: Firstbank Naira Account

First Name : Sovereign Grace

Last Name : African Foundation

City : Abuja

Phone :+234 8035564099

Email :

Bank Name : First bank.

Account No : 2035801496

Note: Foreign Currency will be exchanged to Naira - Nigeria local currency, contact us if you have any question.

And sign up to receive   monthly Donor Report