Work 2 Eat Initiative

Partnership in Ownership Program

Leveraging Africa's vast potential in Agriculture and Human Resources, our initiative aims to harness these strengths not only to achieve self-sufficiency but also to create export opportunities.

At SGAF, we are committed to self-sufficiency. By optimizing agricultural resources, we intend to sustain our programs and initiatives.

Our Work2Eat program is designed to identify and support skilled entrepreneurs by providing the necessary capital to start their ventures. Profits from these enterprises are shared to benefit all stakeholders involved.

Mr. Victor Bassey is a notable participant in our Partnership in Ownership scheme. His Point of Sale (POS) and laundry business, which currently employs three individuals, will transition to full ownership by Mr. Bassey after a three-year period. This arrangement not only facilitates his family's financial independence but also exemplifies the diligence and work ethic crucial to the success of our partnership program. 

Other programs are Poultry and crop  farming - ginger.